NextGEN Pro by Photocrati Media = V2.3.5 - 07.13.2015 = * Fixed: Galleria and comments modules not updated during auto-update process = V2.3.0 - 06.22.2015 = * NEW: Retina support for Pro display types * NEW: Hover captions for Pro display types * NEW: Breadcrumb support for Pro Albums * NEW: Internationalization support * NEW: Sharing images supports Twitter Card * NEW: Added max height option for Pro Blog display type * Changed: NextGEN Pro Lightbox does not require transients * Changed: Significant performance improvement to NextGEN Pro Lightbox. Removed iframes. * Changed: Updated to the latest Stripe SDK * Changed: Default thumbnail dimensions for horizontal filmstrips are 120x90 * Fixed: jQuery explicitly marked as dependency for Masonry * Fixed: Auto deactivation of NextGEN Pro when NextGEN Plus is activated * Fixed: Various styling issues of NextGEN Pro Lightbox * Fixed: Styling conflicts between Shopping Cart page and TwentyFifteen theme * Fixed: CSS z-index issues with the Pro Lightbox * Fixed: Restore scroll position after closing the Pro Lightbox in full-screen mode * Fixed: Various styling improvements to the autogenerated ecommerce-related content * Fixed: Display checkboxes in comment form regardless of theme * Fixed: Display triggers for blog style galleries when images are a mix of landscape and portrait photos * Fixed: Determine whether override image settings is enabled for blog style * Fixed: Broken blog style images = V2.1.4 - 11.18.2014 = * Fixed: Activating Plus doesn't deactivate Pro; fatal error * Fixed: Fatal error when NextGEN Gallery is disabled = V2.1.1 - 11.17.2014 = * Fixed: Fatal error when activating without NextGEN Gallery installed = V2.1 - 11.13.2014 = * NEW: Added the ability to proof galleries * NEW: Image protection feature to protect from theft * NEW: Added Test Gateway to evaluate checkout procedure * NEW: Added "Pay by Check" mechanism * NEW: Added NGG_ALLOW_CROSS_ORIGIN_FRAMING constant for those that need it * NEW: Added "%%file_list%%" placeholder for ecommerce-related e-mails * NEW: Digital downloads are served from PHP for compatibility and security reasons * NEW: Added "display cart" setting to Pro Lightbox to open sidebar automatically * NEW: Ability to duplicate pricelists * Changed: When NextGEN Gallery 2.0.68 is installed, only enqueue static resources when needed * Changed: Don't enqueue scripts or styles unless we require them * Changed: Updated Stripe SDK to the latest version * Changed: Don't use SSLv3 when connecting to PayPal via cURL to avoid Poodle vulnerability * Changed: Default all pro display types ngg_triggers_display to 'always' * Fixed: Forward-compatibility with NextGEN Gallery * Fixed: Use NextGEN Gallery's version of FontAwesome * Fixed: Problems with album routing * Fixed: Dynamic ecommerce pages not using default is_singular page templates * Fixed: Pro Lightbox not opening correctly on Firefox * Fixed: Display of currency in wide variety of character sets * Fixed: Ecommerce instructions should be the last item in the menu * Fixed: Social sharing links of the Pro Lightbox pointed to the wrong image * Fixed: Pro Lightbox performance improvements * Fixed: Cart not clearing after successful checkout * Fixed: Pricelists cannot be deleted, only trashed * Fixed: Optimized queries related to pricelists * Fixed: Use image filename as item id for PayPal Standard * Fixed: Display of view licensing terms link in ecommerce sidebar * Fixed: Reversed pro thumbnail grid hover effect to avoid image saturation * Fixed: Correct calculation and display of order totals for international orders * Fixed: Display image filename in cart * Fixed: Alignment issues * Fixed: Allow a shipping rate of $0 * Fixed: Show processing indicator when checkout button is clicked = V2.0 – 06.18.2014 = * NEW: E-commerce functionality added to the Pro Lightbox * NEW: Payment gateways for Stripe, PayPal Standard, and PayPal Express Checkout * NEW: Forward compatibility with new lightbox manager implementation * Fixed: Added notice to Roles tab about Change options capability and ecommerce * Fixed: Use image filename as item number for PayPal Standard. * Fixed: Masonary display type adjusted for responsiveness; no longer relies on dynamic thumbnails * Fixed: Captions position issues with Horizontal Filmstrip and Slideshow display types = V1.0.17 - 04.24.2014 = * NEW: NextGEN Pro will automatically deactivate if it's dependencies aren't met * NEW: Compatibility fixes with WordPress 3.9 * NEW: Added an option to the Pro Lightbox to display captions automatically * NEW: Added an option to the Pro Lightbox to open the comment/social sidebar automatically * NEW: Renamed all constants to use NGG_ prefix * Changed: Removed double-tap capability for the Pro Lightbox in fullscreen mode * Changed: Adjusted the way setting parameters are passed to Galleria themes * Changed: Removed thumbnail_quality & thumbnail_watermark fields for all display types * Changed: Use FontAwesome library that is bundled with NextGEN Gallery * Changed: Removed obsolete CSS rules used for Jetpack compatibility * Changed: Removed 1px black border from images in Pro Film galleries * Changed: Removed backbone/underscore from Pro Lightbox scripts property * Changed: Use relative urls instead of absolute urls for Pro Lightbox resources * Fixed: Various iOS compatibility issues * Fixed: Fix size and positioning of images in Horizontal Filmstrip and Slideshow galleries * Fixed: Positioning of captions for Horizontal Filmstrip and Slideshow galleries * Fixed: Flickering between image transitions for Horizontal Filmstrip and Slideshow galleries * Fixed: Image alignment and cropping settings for Horizontal Filmstrip and Slideshow galleries * Fixed: Center Film galleries within their parent container. Remove any whitespace in the markup * Fixed: Vertically-align images to the top of the image container for Grid Albums * Fixed: Remove "crop" setting for Blog Style galleries * Fixed: Styling of Pro List Albums * Fixed: Routing conflicts for albums on the same page * Fixed: Adjust position of comment toggle icon * Fixed: Apply nl2br() to all gallery descriptions * Fixed: Images aren't forced to be larger than their original dimensions in Blog Style galleries * Fixed: Don't display PHP errors/warnings in JSON response for pre_comments AJAX action * Fixed: Don't open Pro Lightbox for links that are to use ImageBrowser as the lightbox effect * Fixed: Allow HTML in the Pro Lightbox for image titles & descriptions * Fixed: Use original sized image when sharing an image via Facebook/OpenGraph * Fixed: Provide detailed data in OpenGraph representation * Fixed: OpenGraph should work with default and custom permalinks * Fixed: Use correct value for Yes/No setting selections for Pro Lightbox * Fixed: When opening the Pro Lightbox for a gallery using random images, display the correct image = V1.0.12 - 03.28.2014 = * NEW: Added E-commerce functionality = V1.0.10 - 11.26.2013 = * NEW: Pro Lightbox may be applied to non-NGG images * NEW: Pro Lightbox appearance now configurable with two presets, "Light" and "Dark" * NEW: Added Slideshow and Transition Speed settings for Pro Lightbox * NEW: Added "faux fullscreen" mode for browsers that don't support native fullscreen * NEW: Provide instructions after activation for enabling the Pro Lightbox * NEW: Ability to choose display type for galleries within Pro Albums * NEW: Grid albums are responsive * NEW: Added NextGEN Gallery version detection for compatibility reasons * Changed: Auto-update modules shared across Photocrati products (NextGEN Pro + Photocrati Theme) * Fixed: Addressed many performance concerns with Pro Lightbox * Fixed: The ability to view galleries within albums that have numeric names * Fixed: Generate thumbnails if they don't exist before trying to use them * Fixed: Properly enqueue scripts/styles to avoid "did it wrong" errors from WordPress * Fixed: Toggle-fullscreen button now toggles its icon-type correctly when users leave fullscreen * Fixed: Slideshows/filmstrips jumping to top left corner when clicking on the image * Fixed: Check existence of transient before rendering gallery * Fixed: Don't apply Pro Lightbox to images that specify a non-existing target * Fixed: Filmstrip captions cutting off tall images * Fixed: Compatibility with third party plugins and themes that use FontAwesome * Fixed: Custom CSS stylesheets are now applied to the Pro Lightbox * Fixed: Pro Lightbox compatibility with Opera * Fixed: Increase minimum screen size for displaying trigger buttons * Fixed: Share original images with Pinterest * Fixed: Lightbox conflicts with Photocrati Theme = V1.0.6 - 08.21.2013 = * Fixed: Use settings class compatible with multisite * Fixed: Fixed PHP notices for invalid index in wp-admin * Fixed: Fixed invalid use of wp_register_script/wp_enqueue_script notices * Changed: Comments: return in comment_post_redirect filter * Fixed: Ensure that we don't check for updates until our check time has expired = V1.0.4 - 08.09.2013 = * NEW: All Pro display types' styles can be customized by "Other Options -> Styles" * Changed: NextGEN Pro requires NextGEN Gallery 2.0.7 or later * Fixed: Pro Slideshows and Horizontal Filmstrip are fully responsive * Fixed: NextGEN Pro is loaded after NextGEN Gallery 2.0.x * Fixed: Pro Lightbox CSS is compatible with many other themes * Fixed: Incompatibility with WPMUDEV's Membership plugin * Fixed: Fix autoupdate cache not being properly managed when the server would return 0 updates * Fixed: Pro Album styling issues in some themes such as 2013 = V1.0 - 07.30.2013 = * NEW: Added Pro Lightbox, with social sharing and commenting functionality * NEW: Added Pro Blog Style display type * NEW: Added Pro Thumbnail Grid Style display type * NEW: Added Pro List & Grid Album display types * NEW: Added Pro Film display type * NEW: Added Galleria Display Type Engine * NEW: Added Pro Horizontal Filmstrip display type * NEW: Added Pro Slideshow display type * NEW: Added Pro Masonry display type * Changed: Since Beta #1, we're using a new Installer and Settings Manager implementation * Changed: Since Beta #1, we cache the final rendering output of display galleries